Albania joints Creative Europe Programme in June 2014. From January
2015 Albania is part also of the Sub – Media Programme.
Media Desk Albania was first open in July 2015. The Desk is fully operational
providing day to day support to all Albanian interested applicants for the
calls for proposals published by the Sub – Media programme.
Media Desk Albania is located on the premises of the Albanian National
Centre of Cinematography which provides not only infrastructure faculties
but excellent contacts with the entire cinema and audio – visual sector in
The Desk works in strong cooperation with the Creative Europe Desks
of all the countries participating in the Media programme and is able to
provide all kind of support requested by the European audio-visual sector,
i.e. Albanian partner search, distribution of information among the Albanian
audio-visual sector, information on audio-visual development in the
country, etc.
Prane Qendrës Kombëtare të Kinematografisë funksionojne dy Keshilla Miratues te Projekteve.
Keshilli i pare miratues i projekteve mbulon te dy gjinite e filmit artistik dhe dokumentar ndersa Keshilli i dyte mbulon filmin te animuar.
Keshillat perzgjedhin dhe vleresojne projektet nga pikpamja artistike e ekonomike. Projektet fituese i paraqiten kryetarit per miratim. Këshillat Miratues te Projekteve ( KMP) zgjidhen një herë në cdo 2 vjet. Kandidatet per anetar te KMP propozohen nga shoqatat e kineastëve.
Këshilli i Miratimit të Projekteve është i përbërë nga zotërinjtë:
Established on 1997, the Albanian National Center of Cinematography (ANCC) is the only cinematographic public grant giving institution that finances, encourages and promotes Albania’s film production.
The ANCC’s goal is to foster and support Albanian cinema, encouraging new visions and emerging voices.
The decisions regarding the financial support of the projects are taken by the ANCC artistic and financial assessment Board.
The Board is composed by members that represent the Albanian cinematographic associations.
ANCC is the sole administrator of the entire cinematographic production of the former Albanian State Studio “KINOSTUDIO Shqipëria e Re” 1952-1991.
In 20 years ANCC has financed approximately 271 films and other projects as follows:
71 feature films, 55 short films, 91 documentaries, 61 animations, 40 other projects (Film Festivals. Workshops, etc…)
Other Alternative Funded Projects:
• 7 projects are financed by Eurimages
• 7 projects are financed by Creative Europe Sub – Media Programme
• Over 20 projects financed from ANCC, got also support by SEE (South Eastern Europe Cinema Network)
• 7 projects are financed by the Kosovo Cinematography Center
• 6 projects are financed by the Macedonian Film Agency
• 5 projects are financed by MIBACT (Ministero Italiano dei Beni e delle Attivita’ Culturali e dell Turismo)
• 3 projects are financed by the Apulia Film Commission as part of the project “Memory” – 3 short films with a total of 90.000 Euro.
• 1 project was financed by Kickstarter
ANCC at international level
Albania has signed:
-The European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Productions.
-A Government Cinematographic Cooperation Agreement with Italy.
-A Protocol Agreement with the Apulia Film Commission (2014).
Albania is a member of:
-Eurimages since 2009.
-EFP “European Film Promotion” since 2010.
-SEE “South Eastern Europe Cinema Network” since 2001.
-Albania participates on the Creative Europe Sub – Media Programme since 2015.
Additional Information:
•Albania has 2 Film Schools
•8 International Film Festivals are being organized yearly
•Once in 5 years there is organized The Albanian Film Festival were participate the best films of the last 5 years.
•There are 68 Film Production Companies registered at ANCC, that operate in Albania.
•The Albanian Film Commission operates since 2003.
•Seven Cinematographic Associations operate in Albania.
In the 20 years, between its creation in 1997 and today, ANCC has financed 271 films, 183 of whom, in the period 1997 – 2014.
The films belong to the following categories.
35 features
33 short features
74 long documentaries
48 short animations
In the 17 years (1997-2014) ANCC financed an average of 11 films yearly:
2 features
2 short features
4 documentaries
3 short animations
Only in the last 3 years (2015-2017) ANCC financed a total of 88 films, respectively:
36 features,
22 short features
17 documentaries
13 short animations
In the 3 years (2015-2017) ANCC financed an average of 11 films yearly:
14 features
7 short features
6 documentaries
7 short animations
Hence, the ANCC has financed in the last 3 years almost 1/2 of the total number of the films financed in its preceding 17 years. More features were financed between 2015-2017 (36) than during 1997-2014 (35).
In “Kinostudio’s” best years, circa 40 films were realized yearly, 14 of them were features, and the rest were documentaries and animations.
This number is considered even today a production record in reference to the population of Albania.
So currently Albania is realizing roughly the same number of films through the financial support of ANCC. Precisely in 2016 ANCC financed 37 films, from which 15 were features and the rest were shorts, documentaries and animations.
ANCC, Films financed on 2015
78 film projects applied for funding.
After undergoing the evaluation process, 37 projects were granted funding.
12 Features, 10 Shorts, 4 Documentaries, 3 Short animations, 4 Development projects, 4 Film Festivals
4 Features
3 Debut Features
3 Features Indie
2 Features (Minority co-productions)
4 Shorts
6 Short Indies
1 Documentary
3 Indie Documentaries
3 Short animations
4 Development projects
4 Film Festivals
Average age of supported directors: 41
18 supported directors are first time applicants.
30% of supported directors are females.
ANCC, Films financed on 2016
81 film projects applied for funding.
After undergoing the evaluation process, 43 projects were granted funding.
15 Features, 4 Shorts, 6 Documentaries, 10 Short animations, 6 Film Festivals
4 Features
4 Debut Features
4 Features Indie
3 Features (Minority co-productions)
3 Shorts
1 Short Indies
6 Documentaries
4 Short animations
6 Short animation Indies
6 Film Festivals
Average age of supported directors: 40
ANCC, Films financed on 2017
59 film projects applied for funding.
After undergoing the evaluation process, 28 projects were granted funding.
13 Features, 8 Shorts, 7 Documentaries
4 Features
7 Debut Features
2 Features, post-production
7 Shorts
1 Shorts, post-production
7 Documentaries
on the minority co-productions, animated films and film festivals in 2017.
Other Alternative Funded Projects:
• 21 projects are in coproduction with Italy
• 5 projects are financed by MIBACT (Ministero Italiano dei Beni e delle Attivita’ Culturali e dell Turismo)
• 5 projects are financed by Apulia Film Commission
• 4 projects are financed by Fonds Sud, CNC France
• 7 projects are financed by Eurimages
• 7 projects are financed by Creative Europe Sub – Media Programme
• 28 projects are supported by SEE (South Eastern Europe Cinema Network)
• 7 projects are financed by the Kosovo Cinematography Center
• 6 projects are financed by the Macedonian Film Agency
• 6 projects are financed by Greek Film Center
• 1 project was financed by Kickstarter
International Presence and Other Initiatives of ANCC:
•ANCC Presence with a stand at Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) 2015, 2016, 2017.
•ANCC Presence with a stand at Festival de Cannes in 2015, 2016, 2017.
•ANCC Presence in Short Film Corner- Cannes 2016 (4 Short Films)
•The Workshop “Albascript” was organized by ANCC in cooperation with Cineuropa in Pogradec, Albania – August 2016.
•The ANCC together with the Macedonia and Bulgarian Film Centers is a founding member of the Balkan Cinema Cities Initiative, 2016.
•“KROM” is the official nomination of Albania for the Foreign Language Award at the OSCARS 2016. The movie was screened in LA for the Academy members (part of a European Film Promotion Programme)
•In 2016 Albania participated on the 73rd Venice Film Festival thanks to ANICA Italy and the Italian Ministry of Culture MIBACT with its session Focus Balkani. The aim of the conference was to promote the co-development funds signed or in progress with MIBACT and to present the system of incentives put in place by each Balkan Country for Cinema and for the international co-production.
•In March 2016 the Meetings of the Eurimages Board of Management were hosted by the ANCC in Tirana.
•The ANCC launched the initiative “Balkan Film Forum”presented at the Rome Forum in November 2015
•“BOTA” is the official nomination of Albania for the Foreign Language Award at the OSCARS 2015. The movie was screened in LA for the Academy members (part of a European Film Promotion Programme)
•Sworn Virgin – (Italian Albanian Co-productions) – Main Competition Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) 2015
•Albania participates on the Creative Europe Sub – Media Programme 2015.
•Establishment of the Albanian Minority Co-productions Found, in 2015.
•The Workshop “EAWE IN DEMAND” was organized by ANCC in 2014, in Tirana, Albania.
Data sources: ANCC, February 2017
I. Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë njofton hapjen e sezonit të konkurimit të projekte kinematografike për:
- Filma të kategorisë Indipendent:
- artistik me metrazh të gjatë;
- artistik me metrazh të shkurtër;
- dokumentar;
- të animuar.
- Filma artistikë të metrazhit të gjatë, të kategorisë Minority Coproduction.
II. Në zbatim të ligjit nr. 8096, datë 21.03.1996, “Për kinematografinë”, të ndryshuar, vetëm shtëpitë kinematografike të regjistruara në QKK mund të paraqesin projekte kinematografike për konkurim.
III. Shtëpitë kinematografike, të cilat do të paraqesin projekte në konkurim, duhet të kenë parasysh sa më poshtë:
- Të jenë të rregjistruara në QKK për vitin kalendarik 2017.
- Të vizitojnë faqen web të QKK, si dhe link, në të cilën ndodhet Rregullorja e Qendrës Kombëtare të Kinematografisë, në të cilën përshkruhen rregullat dhe kriteret për aplikimin.
- Aplikimi i projekteve do të bëhet on line në faqen:
IV. Afati i fundit për depozitimin e projekteve (on line) do të jetë data 31.03.2017.
Aktet ligjore dhe nënligjore për Kinematografinë
The Albanian project “The Delegation” supported from EURIMAGES
- Amnistia – Bujar Alimani
- Agon – Robert Budina
- Bota – Iris Elezi & Thomas Logoreci
- Dita zë fill – Gentian Koçi
- Delegacioni – Bujar Alimani
- Sworn Virgin – Laura Bispuri
- Forgive us our debts – Antonio Morabito
- Amnesty – Bujar Alimani
- Agon – Robert Budina
- Bota – Iris Elezi & Thomas Logoreci
- Daybreak – Gentian Koçi
- The Delegation – Bujar Alimani
- Sworn Virgin – Laura Bispuri
- Forgive us our debts – Antonio Morabito
QKK i uron kineasteve shqiptare GEZUAR FESTEN!
IMDB shënon gërmën “F” për filmat me pjesëmarrje të rëndësishme femërore.
So far, the online database has tagged 21,800 films with the new rating.
The Internet Movie Database has added a new “F” rating for films that are directed or written by a woman or that include significant female characters. The new IMDb rating was created by Holly Tarquini, Executive Director at UK’s Bath Film Festival, as a way to highlight the roles of women in the film industry. “The F-rating is intended to make people talk about the representation of women on and off screen,” Tarquini told Bath Chronicle.
According to the paper, the rating has been adopted by 40 UK movie theaters and festivals and IMDb has already tagged 21,800 films with the “F” rating. Some films have been given a “Triple F” rating for being written, directed, and starring women. Current picks include “American Honey,” Disney’s “Frozen,” “Metropolis,” “Bridget Jones’s Baby,” and “The Girl on The Train,” among others.
“It’s exciting when new organizations decide to join us in shining a light both on the brilliant work women are doing in film and on how far the film industry lags behind most other industries when it comes to providing equal opportunities to women,” Tarquini said of IMDb adopting the rating.
She added, “Our real goal is to reach the stage when the F rating is redundant because 50 per cent of the stories we see on screen are told by and about film’s unfairly under-represented half of the population — women.”
Filmi “Lulet plastike” (Plastic Flowers) me regji të Ylljet Aliçka përfshihet në konkurim në edicionin e 8-të të NYC Independent Film Festival.