Call for Entries – Festival de cine Al Este de Lima

Call for Entries – Festival de cine Al Este de Lima 
8th Edition from June 7 to 17, 2017 
Deadline: April 15th, 2017
Festival de cine Al Este de Lima which is a film festival that takes place in Peru. It is part of the film festival network consisting of À l’Est du Nouveau (France) and Al Este del Plata (Argentina), and its main objective is to spread Central and Eastern European countries’ film culture in Europe and Latin America. 

Al Este de Lima will hold its eighth edition to be held from June 7 to 17. 

Al Este de Lima calls to film directors, without age limit, to present their most recent works, allowing and strengthening the openness and dialogue between these two parts of the world. 

Every year, Al Este de Lima invites a significant number of spectators in Lima and the provinces of Arequipa, Cusco, Lambayeque, and Pucallpa, with screenings accessible to the general public. 

The link of the registration form is mandatory to fill out for our call:

It should be noted that the application to this call is completely free.


The future of low production capacity countries in MEDIA Subprogramme

On Thursday, November 17th, marking the 25th anniversary of MEDIA – Subprogramme, with the event ‘This is How WE Do It!’, a panel discussion ‘Where are low production capacity countries positioned within the context of Creative Europe MEDIA – Subprogramme? In what are we successful, and what are the challenges?’ was held.
Panel participants included Soon-Mi Peten, head of the Promotions Department, Continuous Education and Festivals in the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual Politics and Culture (EACEA), and low production capacity country representatives: Kamen Balkanski, head of MEDIA Desk Bulgaria and deputy director of the Bulgarian Film Centre, Arben Papadhopulli, head of MEDIA Office Albania, Una Domazetoski, Department for International Relations coordinator at Film Centre Serbia, and Jeanne Pierre Borg, Executive Director of the Malta Film Commission. The panel’s moderator was Martina Petrović, head of Creative Europe Desk – MEDIA Office in Croatia.
In her introduction, Petrović elaborated on the current position of countries with low production capacities in MEDIA Subprogramme. “Some countries are on the margins due to their geographical and language positions. In two application categories, the development of individual projects and festivals, where small countries are successful, may see a change in direction, that is, application conditions, and so we need to discuss this today. These categories are important to us because they allow for easier access and that is why current directions need to remain within the context of small countries. This is especially important because we can’t even register in some categories due to the infrastructure in our countries,” Petrović explained.
Soon-Mi Peten, after presenting a statistical analysis of fund distribution in the past, announced an increase the MEDIA Subprogramme budget because the European Parliament favorably views the increase in the number of applications over recent years. She also noted her personal delight with the growth of the MEDIA family, especially since she’s been a part of the programme from its beginnings.
“Small countries are unique, they have a lot of advantages. One of them is the beautiful and profound stories you can tell. A good project with a powerful story may be selected even if it doesn’t fulfill all the conditions for co-financing. Application preparation is very thorough, from seeking from the producer, for example, detailed distribution plans, but these also serve to learn lessons that can be later applied to all their films. Producers have learnt a lot participating in our application system because we demanded from them long-term and comprehensive plans,” said Soon-Mi Peten, noting that the conditions of each category help small countries, which is their aim.
Participants then commented on potential application scoring system reforms in the MEDIA Subprogramme, expressing a wish to retain existing regulations for countries with low production capacities, and asking that conditions in some categories be improved. Speaking of the challenges small countries face in the application process, head of MEDIA Office Albania, Arben Papadhopulli, emphasized that Albanian filmmakers still do not know how to prepare good-quality applications and are not familiar with the European film scene in the industrial sense.
Kamen Balkanski offered successful examples from Bulgaria and the positive impacts the MEDIA Subprogramme has had on the local audiovisual industry, which helped adapt the local legal framework to that of Europe, and that MEDIA Subprogramme greatly helps in securing funding for films. He explained that the challenges in Bulgaria are categories for which there are no applicants, for example, sales representatives, which are non-existent in Bulgaria, as is the case with videogame production companies.
“Categories relating to television screenings are also a challenge because the conditions require three partners from three countries, which is very difficult. From a practical viewpoint, some of the conditions are not available, though they technically may be,” he said.
Una Domazetoski noted a significant increase in the number of Serbian filmmakers and videogame producers who, in December, 2015, received support for five projects. “Currently, there is a lot of interest, but many of those expressing interest do not fulfill the requirements which state that within the next two years, their project must be distributed beyond their own country,” she explained.
Malta’s representative, Jeanne Pierre Borg, emphasized a series of facts which make it very difficult for Malta to fulfill the conditions. “Malta is so small. We only have six multiplex theatres and not one distributor, we’ve made three films in the last six years, 10 percent of the population viewed our best film, and we’ve only distributed one film internationally. We have a Film Commission which has a budget of 250,000 EUR per year, while private financing does not exist. We really want to tell our stories, but because of everything said, it is extremely difficult to receive MEDIA Subprogramme financing,” said Borg.
Closing the discussion, Soon-Mi Peten announced that changes will be made in the next European Union budget talks, and there will be an attempt to find balance between encouraging the principles of diversity and stimulating competitiveness.


According to Chapter IV, Article 12 (Financing of Projects) of its status,
ANCC offers support to film projects, realized with international co-productions, where the Albanian production company is in minority at the total production.
As such are considered:
a.       Film projects with Albanian authors (from Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro);
b.       Foreign film projects which guarantee at least one of the following criteria:
  • Film has an Albanian subject.
  • Part of the film will be shot in Albania.
  • At least 50% of the dialogue is in Albanian language and one Master copy will be realized in Albanian language.
c.       Foreign film projects, of particular interest, who spend a considerable amount of their budget in Albania (while   shooting or in other film production processes).
  1. Projects submitted in this category, will be funded based on the financial expert evaluation of ANCC, up to 6,000,000 (six million) Albanian Lek.
  2. At least 80% of the ANCC funds granted to these projects must be spent within the territory of the Republic of Albania. These funds should be used to meet the production expenses in Albania, and/or the expenses of Albanian cast and crew.
  3. Projects applying for this category should guarantee the following criteria:
    1. The applying Production Company must be an Albanian legal entity.
    2. A minimum of 70% of the total film budget must be secured prior to the application at ANCC.
    3. The project must be recipient of financial support from public institutions in the country of origin (valid for the region and Europe).
    4. The director should have realized at least one other film before applying.
Note: All mandatory documents must be presented both in Albanian and English:
  1. Formal Request for Funding of the project.
  2. Application Form (Sample for download)
  3. Budget Breakdown: signed by all co-producers, with specifications of the budget foreseen to be spent in Albania. (Sample for download)
  4. Final Script (Final Draft format).
  5. Short Synopsis – no more than 5 lines.
  6. Long Synopsis – up to 2 pages.
  7. Director’s Treatment/Statement.
  8. Director’s previous film/s – DVD/link.
  9. Director’s previous film/s List of Festivals and Awards.
  10. Contract of Co-production, signed by all co-producers with specified shares and appending a Budget Summary.
  11. Financial Plan with specifications on all confirmed or pending funding.
  12. Confirmation, certification, or other evidence (original or notarized copy) of the public funds secured in the origin country of the majority co-producer.
  13. Description of shooting locations, specifying the duration of shooting within the Albanian territory.
  14. Contract of the Majority co-producer on the script acquisition.
  15. Contract of the Majority co-producer with the film director.
  16. V. of the applying Production Company.
  17. V. of the Director.
  18. Statement (under personal liability) on the distribution/sales of the last films produced with ANCC funding.
  19. Statement of the applying Production Company (sample for download)
  • Location Photos, Mood-book, Storyboard, Initial Casting, or preliminary shooting that will help the Board to better understand the director’s style and vision.
  • Distribution Plan and Sales Territories (contracts/agreements from domestic/foreign distributors).
  • Any additional information helpful to better evaluate the project presentation.


Data e fundit për dorëzimin e projekteve është 15 Mars 2017.

Prishtina International Film Festival dhe Prishtina Film FORUM  (PriFORUM) ka kënaqësinë të shpall të hapur thirrjen për aplikim në Best Pitch 2017.  Përmes kësaj thirrjeje ftojmë për aplikim projektet e filmit artistik të metrazhit të gjatë në fazën e zhvillimit apo të financimit nga filmbërës nga Ballkani (shtetet qe mund te aplikojne jane: Shqiperia, Mali I zi, Maqedonia, Serbia, Kosova, Bosnia Hercegovina, Bullgaria, Kroacia, Sllovenia, Turqia) që e kanë vepër të parë apo të dytë projektin që e dorëzojnë. Projektet filmike të përzgjedhura do të marrin pjesë në ciklin 4-ditorë të zhvillimit të projektit që konsiston nga: 

1. Pitch Training të realizuar nga eksertët e Torino Film Lab 
2. Seancë kokë-më-kokë me ekspertin financiar të EAVE në temën Planifikimi biznesor dhe strategjik I kompanisë në industrinë e filmit, strategjia e financimit dhe bashkëprodhimit për projektin filmik 
3. Seanca zhvillim skripte me ekspertët e Script Circle Berlin 
BEST PITCH ka karakter garues, andaj seanca e pitchingut do të vlerësohet nga Juria Ndërkombëtare dhe vota e publikut të përbërë nga mysafirët e akredituar të festivalit (koproducent, fonde filmi, distributor dhe agjent shitjeje). Këtë vit do të përzgjidhen më shumë se një projekt fitues dhe do të garohet për çmimet si vijon: 

– Vanessa Redgrave Award – Çmimi tradicional i BEST PITCH dhe shuma monetare prej 1000 € 
– Post Production Prize – Çmimi për shërbimet e Post Produksionit të projektit filmik fitues qe ofrohet nga Deepend Post Production – kompani partnere nga Afrika e Jugut 

Të gjitha projektet e përzgjedhura për Best Pitch do të kenë mundësi të marrin pjesë edhe në Prishtina Rendezvous pas seancës së pitchingut. 

Për të aplikuar në Best Pitch ju lutem klikoni në link: dhe plotësoni aplikacionin.

PriFORUM është platformë zhvillimore e industrisë së filmit, pjesë integrale e PriFest – Prishtina International Film Festival, që do të ketë edicionin e 9-të në Prill 20-27, 2017 në Prishtinë, Kosovë. Ndërkohë datat e PriFORUM janë 22-24 prill. 

Përvec Best Pitch, PriFORUM përmban në vete edhe dy module tjera: 

PRISHTINA RENDEZVOUS, është fundjavë e dedikuar distributorëve ndërkombëtar të filmit dhe agjentëve të shitjes. Prishtina Rendezvous ka për qëllim që të mbledh së bashku talentët nga Ballkani duke u dhënë shansin që të takohen me disa nga kompanitë më të rëndësishme botërore të distribuimit dhe shitjes së filmit, të cilët ftohen në këtë fundjavë që të gjurmojnë projektet filmike nga regjioni I Ballkanit në fazën e tyre zhvillimore. Filmbërësit do të kenë shansin të artikulojnë idetë dhe storjet e tyre në ‘speed date style’ / takime individuale kokë-më-kokë. 

E lidhur me cështjet e industrisë së filmit, e përbërë nga diskutime në panel, prezentime nga ekspert ndërkombëtar në tema të ndryshme që kanë të bëjnë me industrinë e filmit si: distribuimi, shitja, bashkëprodhimi, financimi, si dhe workshope për aktorët dhe studentët. Filmbërësit nga regjioni ftohen të jenë present dhe të kenë mundësi të takojnë disa nga emrat e rëndësishëm të industrisë së filmit në Europë. Në një ambient më intim që e ofron PriFest, për dallim nga festivalet dhe marketet e mëdha të filmit, vëmendja e të gjithë mysafirëve ndërkombëtar është në projekte të Ballkanit dhe në këtë mënyrë ofron më shumë mundësi network-u dhe bashkëpunimi. 

Mbi 200 producent, distributorë, representative të marketeve të filmit, kompani dhe agjent shitjeje, fonde filmi nga regjioni, profesionist filmi nga Europa si dhe përfaqësues të festivaleve të rëndësishme të filmit pritet të marrin pjesë në këto vit. I gëzohemi pranimit të projekteve tuaja në afatin e lartëpërmendur. 

Nëse keni pyetje mos hesitoni të na kontaktoni në


Goethe-Institut Young Directors´ Academy South-Eastern Europe
FIRST FILMS FIRST offers young filmmakers with a feature film project to develop it with dedicated help of experienced and internationally acclaimed professionals from all fields of filmmaking.
The program runs one year, at four workshops across four festivals in the Southeast Europe, and it’s COMPLETELY FREE.
Interested? Read on.
FIRST FILMS FIRST is an intensive professional training program aimed at supporting young Southeast European film directors to develop their first feature-length fiction film. Over one year at 4 workshops at different film festivals in the region, the participants are guided by experienced and acclaimed tutors through different stages of project development.
Application and participation are FREE of charge, and travel, accommodation and accreditation expenses at the workshops are COVERED.
For an idea who will be guiding and helping you develop your film, in the first edition of FFF  tutors were Milcho Manchevski, Andras Dresen, Allan Starski, Karpo Godina, Srdjan Koljevic, and Gabrielle Brunemeyer.
·         you are living in Southeast Europe
·         you are a film director
·         you are a student in your last year of study or a young professional
·         you have a project for the first feature-length fiction film*
·         you are fluent in English
How to apply?
Send an email to with:
·         synopsis for your first feature-length fiction film project
·         treatment for the project (max. 12 pages)
·         director’s statement
·         your CV and a detailed filmography
·         information about the producer, if attached (optional)
·         link to one of your short films
·         your phone number and email address
All materials should be in English, submitted in one PDF file.
The selected participants will be notified by April 15th.
For the selected participants, the program is free of charge. The FFF also provides participation in travel expenses, accommodation and the festival badges that allow free access to all the festivals’ screenings and events during the workshops.
Please note that the FFF can cover expenses for only one person per project. However, if the selected participants wish to come with additional members of their creative team, the FFF can offer them special discount packages for accommodations and free festival badges.
*program is not for animated films

If you have any additional questions, write us at

Kalendari i aktiviteteve të përbashkëta të qendrave kinematografike Shqipëri-Kosovë, viti 2017



Në kuadër të vazhdimit të bashkëpunimit të dy qendrave kinematografike të Shqipërisë dhe Kosovës për vitin 2017 ndër aktivitetet e shumta vlejnë të përmenden:

1. Hapja e 2 pavioneve të përbashkëta gjatë Festivalit Ndërkombëtar të Filmit në Berlin (9-17 shkurt) dhe Cannes (17-26 maj).

2. Janë planifikuar faza të ndryshme të prodhimit për projektet e mëposhtme:

Filma artistikë- bashkëprodhime me financim publik nga Shqipëria dhe Kosova:

Delegacioni me regji të Bujar Alimani
Martesa – me regji të Blerta Zeqiri
Derë e hapur – me regji të Florenc Papas
Njeriu i dosjeve – me regji të Ismet Sinarija
Fusha e mëllenjave – me regji të Arzana Kraja
Shpia – me regji të Lendita Zeqiri

3. Gjithashtu, duke qenë se 2017 është edhe 20-vjetori i krijimit të Qendrës Kombëtare të Kinematografisë, do të organizohen shumë aktivitete ndër të cilët më të rëndësishëm do të jenë “Festivali i 14-të i Filmit Shqiptar” dhe “Forumi Ndëkombëtar” ku do të lançohet zyrtarisht ideja e “Ballkan dhe Adriatik Film Fond”, si edhe evente të tjera ku partnerët institucionalë të Kosovës por edhe faktorët e kinematografisë në Kosovë do të jenë prezent.



MAIA WORKSHOPS – Intensive training for emerging European producers

Data: 28 Shkurt 2017, Lecce, Itali
Workshop-et Maia janë të hapura për prodhuesit europian emergjentë të filmit, dokumentarit dhe ndër-medias, si dhe për të diplomuarit në manaxhimin e prodhimit audiovizual dhe profesionistë të tjerë të industrisë audiovizive, të cilët dëshirojnë të zhvillojnë njohuritë e tyre. Maia pranon edhe një numë tëlimituar kandidatës nga vende jo-europiane.
Për më shumë informacion, kontaktoni me mail:

Intensive training for emerging European producers
Data: 28 February 2017

Vendndodhja: Lecce, Italy

Who should apply?
The Maia workshops are targeted to emerging European fiction, documentary and cross-media producers as well as graduates, production managers and other industry professionals wishing to improve their production skills. Maia also accepts a limited number of participants from non-EU countries.
Which one do I choose?
You can attend one, two or all three workshops. If you are applying for the 3-workshop package we will ask you to come with a project in development. Single workshops can be attended with or without a project. Each workshop is open to 20 participants and the working language is English.
For any further information or advice please contact us by tel: +39 349 144 53 22 or email:
What does it cost?
Participation in each workshop costs 1000 € and the fee includes tuition, accommodation and all meals. Following Creative Europe’s regulations a limited number of scholarships covering a maximum of 50% of the fee is available, limitedly for participants coming from countries with low audiovisual capacity. If you apply for the complete programme, the fee is 3000 € for all three workshops. The 3-workshop application entitles the applicant to a place in all three workshops and a close tutorship also on his/her project.
How to apply?
The following files must be enclosed:
– Duly compiled application form
– CV of Candidate (one page), including language skills – Brief presentation of the company for which the candidate works (if applicable)
– A letter of motivation, including expected benefits from attending the workshop.
In case you apply with a project:

– Synopsis (one page)
– Description of the stage of development, including estimated production budget and tentative financing plan

Sarajevo Film Festival 11-18 August 2017

Mundesi aplikimi ne Festivalin e Sarajeves per studentet!
Te dashur miq e lexoni kete lajm, ju lutem njoftoni studentet e regjise se filmit qe mund te aplikojne ne kete festival te rendesishem.

We would like to inform you that Sarajevo Film Festival starts with a new programme this year – Student Film Competition. This call is open for all the academies and film schools of the region.
You can find more details and the application form on the link below:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact:
We are looking forward to see your films!

PRIFILMFEST 20-27 April 2017

PriFest hap thirrjen per projekte filmike per BEST PITCH 2017
Ngjarja me e rendesishme e industrise se filmit ne vend – Prishtina International Film Festival ka hapur sot thirrjen per projekte filmike per garen e BEST PITCH per edicionin e ardhshem te PriFest qe ndodh ne 20-27 prill 2017 ne kryeqytet.
Thirrja I dedikohet te gjithe producenteve dhe regjisoreve nga Ballkani qe kane ne faze zhvillimi projektin e tyre filmik te pare apo te dyte. Data deri kur mund te dorezohen projektet eshte 15 Mars 2017! Projektet e perzgjedhura do t’I nenshtrohen trajnimeve me ekspert te huaj dhe prezentimit para juries nderkombtare per t’u perzgjedhur fitues te njerit nga shperblimet qe ofron festivali me partnere.
Per me shume informate shikoni thirrjen me poshte apo vizitoni webfaqen e PriFest

PriFest. Friendship. Forever. 20-27 April 2017
PriFest has just announced the titles of the winning films that have competed throughout the week (22-29 April) in different categories within the Balkan program …