Hollywoodreporter / ‘Chromium’ (‘Krom’): Film Review

Albania’s submission for the foreign-language film Oscar charts a rural teenager’s rite of passage.

At the core of Chromium is rock — from the metallic ore with which its young protagonist hopes to find his worth to the banging music that opens the country boy’s eyes about the world outside his rural hometown. The film itself is as compact and solid as a rock, too. Four years after making his debut with the remarkable Amnesty — a relationship drama about the bond between two long-suffering spouses of jailed convicts — Albanian director Bujar Alimani follows up with a work of lustrous imagery and magnetic performances that could have been merely a simple, well-trodden rite-of-passage narrative.
Revolving around a teenager’s growing pains — from observing his single mother’s blooming relationship with another man to his own uncertain feelings toward his rebellious teacher — Chromium offers universal drama seasoned with subtle local characteristics. To his credit, Alimani doesn’t simply parade the easy cultural clichés of, say, rifle-wielding, blood-feuding clansmen or worn icons of Albania’s communist legacy. Just like in Amnesty, Chromium charts a young generation’s struggle to grow up in a country on the cusp of social change.
At the center of Amnesty is a young mother trying to raise her two children on her own while her husband is away. Here, Chromium‘s single-parent family scenario unfolds from the point of view of the children. Adi (Fredjon Kuci) lives with his mother (Klodjana Keco) and his young brother (Denis Shira) in a village a long way away from the town where his school is. He doesn’t have a cellphone or a computer, and is frequently bullied for not having a father around. His frustration builds as he witnesses his mother — a mute herbalist who earns a meager living with her homemade foodstuff — becoming intimate with a man (Kasem Hoxha) who regularly comes over to help repair the home.
As most onscreen fatherless boys do, Adi rejects the man as an usurper, however well-meaning and kind he appears to be. In a juvenile act of one-upmanship, Adi takes up work at a local chromite mine with the hope of staking his claim as the breadwinner in the house. Adi learns how to react positively to his new reality through his interactions with his leather-wearing, rock-loving math teacher (Mirela Naska), a maternal mentor who shows him how to strike a balance between youthful resistance and reconciliation through the way she battles her own problems.
Shot on widescreen by Greek cinematographer Ilias Adamis (who also worked on Amnesty), the film benefits from a screenplay that’s delicate and restrained in its exposition of the personalities and relationships onscreen; in place of confessional conversations or verbose rows, Alimani has his characters vent their guilt, desire and pent-up fury through a frown, a silent glance or — in one of the film’s most dynamic scenes — a cathartic chopping of wood.
The cast rises to the occasion, with Kuci delivering a revelatory turn. With its slow-burning drama and sturdy performances, Chromium offers a remarkable snapshot of how small-town teenage angst manifests itself in the provincial fringes of Albania.
Cast: Fredjon Kuci, Klodjana Keco, Mirela Naska, Kasem Hoxha, Denis Shira
Director-screenwriter: Bujar Alimani
Producers: Tefta Bejko, Anita Elsani, Valon Jaupaj, Thanos Anastopoulos, Stella Theodorakis
Director of photography: Ilias Adamis
Art director: Emir Turkeshi-Gramo
Costume designer: Stela Laknori
Editor: Bonita Papastathi
Music: Pjeter Gaci
International sales: 90 Production
In Albanian
Not rated, 75 minutes



Concluded Monday September 26 the 32 edition of the Alexandria Film Festival which is headed by critic Amir Abaza in a grand ceremony held at the Library of Alexandria which were prizes to the winning films where he won in the feature films competition long Mediterranean countries ..jaizh best film and obtained by the Spanish “food and shelter”. Award Special jury won by Albanian “Chrome”


Tre projekte të financuara nga QKK fituan sot edhe mbështetjen e Qendrës Kinematografike të Kosovës

Tre projekte të financuara nga Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë fituan sot edhe mbështetjen e Qendrës Kinematografike të Kosovës:  

‘Cirku Fluturues’ me skenar dhe regji nga Fatos Berisha,
‘Derë e Hapur’ me skenar të Florenc Papas dhe Ajoja Daja dhe regji nga Florenc Papas
‘Delegacioni’ me skenar nga Artan Minarolli dhe regji nga Bujar Alimani 

Njoftimi i plotë

Qendra Kinematografike e Kosovës financon tre projekte që kanë gjetur më parë edhe mbështetjen e Qendrës Kinematografike të Shqipërisë dhe përkatësisht bëhet fjalë për projektet e mēposhtëme:

Në kategorinë e filmit të metrazhit të gjatë – artistik juria ka vendosur të subvencionojë projektin filmik ‘Cirku Fluturues’ me skenar dhe regji nga Fatos Berisha, ndersa në kategorinë e metrazhit të gjatë artistik – Koproduksion Minor juria vendosi të subvencionoj 3 projekte: ‘Derë e Hapur’ me skenar nga Florenc Papas & Ajola Daja dhe regji nga Florenc Papas, ‘Delegacioni’ me skenar nga Artan Minarolli dhe regji nga Bujar Alimani.

Bashkëpunimi midis dy qendrave kinematografike dhe financimi i përbashkët i projekteve tona do të ndihmojë për të konsoliduar buxhetet e tyre dhe njëkohësisht për të shfrytëzuar potencialin e audiencës tonë të përbashkët shqipfolëse në rajon.

Në foto anetarët e jurisë të Qëndrës Kinematografike të Kosovës, Arian Krasniqi – Kryesues, Danijel Hocevar, Zymber Kelmendi, Elma Tataragic, Visar Morina, Artur Tahiraj dhe Alban Ukaj

SEE Cinema Network – Thirrje për aplikim!

SEE Cinema Network
Thirrje për aplikim!

– Produksionet shqiptare që kanë projekte filmi artistik të metrazhit të gjatë në zhvillim, dhe kanë siguruar ndërkohë të paktën një bashkëprodhues nga: Greqia, Serbia, Maqedonia, Rumania, Bullgaria ose Qipro, janë të lutur të aplikojnë pranë Qendrës Kombëtare të Kinematografisë. (info@nationalfilmcenter.gov.al / info.qkk@gmail.com)

– Projektet duhet të kenë, skenar/regji/produksion , shtetas të vendeve anëtare.

– Rregulloren dhe formularët e aplikimit i gjeni në linkun e mëposhtëm

– Afati i dorëzimit të dosjes 17 tetor 2016.
– Dosja duhet të jetë në gjuhën angleze.

TOMKA AND HIS FRIENDS | Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

NYC friends 🙂 Tomorrow, September 22nd do not miss the NY THEATRICAL PREMIERE of beloved classic TOMKA AND HIS FRIENDS. Xhanfise Keko is the only female director in the history of communist Albanian cinema, establishing herself as one of the top directors in Albania’s male-dominated film industry. This restoration is the first chance to look at moving images from a society that was closed off from the rest of the world for decades.
*The Alamo Drafthouse will donate 50% of ticket sales to the ongoing preservation work of ACP. ** To learn more about this restoration and the work of ACP: http://www.thealbaniancinemaproject.org/tomka-dhe-shokeumlt-e-tij.html

CINEUROPA – Albania sends Chromium to the Oscar

Albania sends Chromium to the Oscars

Bujar Alimani’s feature-length drama has been submitted by Albania to represent the country in the Best Foreign-language Film category

Chromium, directed by Albanian filmmaker Bujar Alimani, will compete for the Best Foreign-language Film Award at the upcoming 89th edition of the Academy Awards. Alimani is also known for Ygraerio (2006) and his debut feature, Amnesty [+], which earned him the Cineuropa Award at the Lecce Film Festival in 2011. A far cry from the tender love story portrayed in Amnesty, he now brings us a sensitive story of a 15-year-old boy’s search for independence in a dysfunctional family.

In Chromium, Fredjon Ruci plays Adi, a quiet, rebellious boy living with his younger brother and deaf-mute mother. His desire to find some independence and money lands him a job working illegally in a chromium mine. That decision will have profound consequences for his entire family, and he will only find identification and trust in a young female teacher, Mirela Naska.

The feature is a co-production between Albania, Kosovo, Germany and Greece, and its producers are 90 Production, Gegnia Film, Tefta Bejko, Valon Jakupaj, Anita Elsani, Thanos Anastopoulos and Stella Theodorakis. It had its world premiere in 2015 at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival, where it played in the East of West sidebar, and later screened at the Hamburg International Film Festival. It was released after this in Albania.

In 2011, Alimani’s Amnesty was submitted in the Best Foreign-language Film category but failed to make the final shortlist. This will be his second attempt and the tenth by Albania, as the country has submitted films in this category nine times since 1996. However, the nation has never been nominated in the January shortlist, so perhaps now could be the time for Albania and for Chromium.


KROM i Bujar Alimanit fiton çmimin e kritikes ne Otranto Film Fund Festival

KROM i Bujar Alimanit fiton çmimin e kritikes ne Otranto Film Fund Festival. 

Aktorja Klodjana Keco terhoqi cmimin te cilin e vleresoi si nje ogur te mire per konkurimin e ketij filmi ne Oscar

Il Premio della Critica di #offf2016, assegnato da Luigi Abiusi, Luca Bandirali, Massimo Causo e Anton Giulio Mancino, è andato al film “Krom”, del regista albanese Bujar Alimani.

Una coproduzione tra Albania, Germania, Kosovo e Grecia, che racconta la storia di un ragazzo di 15 anni, orfano di padre e con una madre coraggiosa, che cerca di cavarsela da solo mentre va ancora a scuola, lavorando illegalmente in una vicina miniera di cromo; un viaggio che lo porterà a diventare uomo.


Otranto Film Fund Festival – Nasce ad Otranto il Network dell’Audiovisivo dell’Adriatico

Otranto Film Fund Festival | nella sala Triangolare del Castello aragonese di Otranto la firma per la creazione di un Network dell’Audiovisivo dell’Adriatico. Albania, Grecia e Croazia si uniscono all’ Apulia Film Commission che diventa faro per la produzione e la diffusione delle produzioni nell’Adriatico, nell’ambito del progetto di cooperazione IPA AdriaWealth. #Offf2016


QKK merr pjese ne forumin ballkanik te organizuar ne Otranto nga Apulia Film Commission ku u nenshkrua marreveshja per aplikime te perbashketa ne projektet evropiane.


Creative Europe Media Desk Albania dhe Qendra Kombëtare e Kinematografisë prezantojnë projekt idetë e formuluara për propozimet IPA Adriatik – Jon, në kuadër të bashkëpunimit Shqipëri – Itali – Mal i Zi. Ide dhe projekte konkrete që synojnë bashkëpunimin e ngushtë kinematografik të tre vendeve në 3 vitet e ardhshme.


Qkk merr pjese ne forumin ballkanik te organizuar ne Otranto nga Apulia Film Commission ku u nenshkrua marreveshja per aplikime te perbashketa ne projektet evropiane.




Albania, Grecia, Croazia ed Italia. Nasce ad Otranto l’intesa per la promozione e la diffusione delle produzioni audiovisive nella regione adriatico/ionica. Nasce grazie ad Otranto Film Fund Festival 2016 che ha fatto incontrare i centri audiovisivi e cinematografici dei Paesi coinvolti con l’ Apulia Film Commission considerata un esempio da seguire, un faro che guiderà alla nuova strada comune. La firma del protocollo d’intesa è l’ultimo atto del progetto di cooperazione IPA AdriaWealth e porterà alla creazione di un Network dell’Audiovisivo dell’Adriatico.

After a long working day meeting on Adriatic Ionian cinema cooperation, with Ilir Butka – Director of Albanian Film Center; Elektra Venaki – Director of Greek Film Center and Dimitris Yatzouzakis – Director of Mediterranean Film institute of Athens. Today : Otranto Film Forum Festival.
FOCUS – IL CINEMA NELLA REGIONE ADRIATICO- JONICA. Un incontro dei rappresentanti delle organizzazioni pubbliche che si occupano di cinema dei paesi della regione Adriatica Ionica che ha come obiettivo principale quello di sostenere, in una prospettiva d’integrazione europea, il consolidamento del sistema produttivo e distributivo comune tra le cinematografie della Regione Adriatico Ionica con un’apertura verso l’area balcanica per rendere più competitivi i territori, valorizzare la progettualità, attrarre nuovi investimenti in un settore strategico per lo sviluppo dell’area.



Parteciparono all’incontro, condotto e moderato da Luigi De Luca: Luciano Cariddi – Sindaco di Otranto; Luciano Schito – Direttore OFFF – Otranto Film Fund Festival; Ilir Butka – Albanian National Center of Cinematography; Arben Papadhopulli – Responsabile del desk Albania di Creative Europe; Elektra Venaki – Greek Film Centre; Dimitris Yatzouzakis – Mediterranean Film Institute – Atene; Hrvoje Hribar – Croatian Audiovisual Centre; Stefania Ippoliti – Presidente Italian Film Commissions; Maurizio Sciarra – Direttore/Presidente Apulia Film Commission; Paolo Vidali – Fondo Audiovisivo Friuli Venezia Giulia; Emma Barboni – Emilia Romagna Film Commission; Andrea Coluccia – Responsabile del Creative Europe Desk Media ufficio di Bari; Domenico Ioffredi – Consigliere regionale del Molise con delega alla Cultura e Molisani nel mondo; Alberto La Monica – Direttore del Forum di Cooproduzione Euro Mediterraneo – Michalis Panagopoulos – Assistant Professor Audiovisual Signal Processing Lab; Dept. of Audiovisual Arts – Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts Ionian University.


OFFF- Otranto Film Fund Festival, Comune of Otranto, Apulia Film Commission and Istituto di Culture Mediterranee (Insitute of Mediterranean Cultures), have created the section ADRIATIC IONIAN MOVIE for the 8th Edition of the Festival. All the films produced in 2015/2016 within the Countries of the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Region and supported by the Film Fund, can participate in the competition.
If you are interested, please send us a list of supported films and the contact details of their authors and producers no later than 6.00pm of Monday 1st August.
We hereby invite you to read the attached abstract of this year’s Festival in order to decide whether to take part, as representatives of the Film Funds of your Countries, in the roundtables and plenary session called “THE CINEMA IN THE ADRIATIC-IONIAN REGION: THE LANDS, THE HIST0RIES, THE POLICIES”.
Your confirmation of attendance with a travel plan, in order to arrange your stay in Otranto, must be send to the email address lucrezia.errico@libero.it no later than 3.00 pm of Friday 8th August.
Looking forward to your enthusiastic participation, I send you my best regards,

Luciano Schito
Director of OFFF- Otranto Film Fund Festival.

Lucrezia Errico
Responsabile del Cerimoniale
mobile: +39 392 6970510

Calendar of the Roundtable sessions

15th September, 10.00 am PANEL Apulia – Greece.
Roundtable session reserved for the guests.
Coordinated by Giovanni Antelmi (Apulia Film Commission).

16th September, 10.00 am PANEL Apulia/Molise – Albania/Montenegro
Roundtable session reserved for the guests.
Coordinated by Arben Papadhopulli (Creative Europe Media Desk).

16th September, 3.00 pm PANEL Italy – Croatia (Regions: Emilia-Romagna, Apulia, Veneto, Marche, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia)
Roundtable session reserved for the guests.
Coordinated by Cristina Piscitelli (Apulia Film Commission).

17th September, 10.00 am PLENARY SESSION – OPEN MEETING
The meeting will be moderated by Alessandro Leogrande (Journalist and writer)