CIRCE, “Common Initiatives to pRomote CinEma across Italy-Albania-Montenegro” is funded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme. The project, financed under Priority Axis 2 – Smart Management of Natural and Cultural Heritage for the exploitation of cross border sustainable tourism and territorial attractiveness – with a budget of about 830.000,00 €, aims to re-launch the production system of Albania, Montenegro, Puglia and Molise, investing in cultural and creative industries as key strategic resources to support the economic growth of the involved areas.
Apulia Film Commission Foundation is the lead beneficiary of this project in cooperation with one Albanian partner- Albanian National Centre of Cinematography– one Montenegrin partner- Film Centre of Montenegro– and one Italian partner- Molise Region. Associated partners are: Ministry of Culture of Montenegro, Ministry of Culture Republic of Albania and Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Tourism (MIBACT).
The overall objective is improving the conditions for cultural and creative industries of the audio-visual sector in order to give value to the cultural heritage through cross-border initiatives, establishing an important connection among participating regions and key actors of new creative productions.
CIRCE will implement a comprehensive programme of cross-border initiatives in the audio-visual sector setting up networks at different levels that will involve the main stakeholders. The principal expected change is improving understanding among partners on the potential of audio-visual industry in promoting cultural heritage, sharing new supporting policies towards creative sector. Among the activities:
• The joint production of a nine-episodes web series;
• The transfer of good successful practices (tax credit);
• The creation of a creative network among the film festivals scheduled in the area;
• Investments to promote distribution in Albania and Montenegro;
• Updating activities for operators of the audio-visual sector.
Project duration: 01.04.2018 – 31.03.2020 (24 months)
Total budget: € 831.540,00
IPA II funding: € 706.809,00 (EU co-financing)
Programme website:
Project website:
Project Facebook Page:
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