Euro Mediterranean Coproduction Forum 2016, Trani, Puglia, ITALY
Kete vit Shqiperi prezantohet me projektin regjisorit Namik Ajazi, PORTRETI I PA MBARUAR I CLARA BELLINIT (bashkeprodhim Shqiptaro – Italian)
QKK ja rekomandon pjesmarrjen te gjithe producenteve shqiptare per vitin tjeter. Eshte nje mundesi shume e mire jo vetem per ti prezantuar projektet e tyre producenteve dhe distributoreve te huaj, por gjithashtu eshte nje okazion ideal per te krijuar njohje me ta, gjate aktiviteteve qe organizatoret ofrojne pas oreve te ngarkuara tepunes. Jane rreth 80 profesioniste nga gjithe bota te cilet e frekuentojne kete forum.
Mikepritja dhe dashuria me te cilen Alberto la Monica dhe i gjithe stafi i forumit organizojne kete event e ben ate unik, duke e radhitur kete forum nder aktivitetet me te mira qe organizon Apulia Film Commission ne territorin e saj.
23 luglio 2016 18:39
Euro Mediterranean Coproduction Forum
The Apulia Film Commission Foundation introduces the seventh edition of the Euro Mediterranean Coproduction Forum, taking place in Trani on 27th-28th-29th October, 2016.
The Euro Mediterranean Coproduction Forum aims to promote co-production processes and exchange of best practices in order to improve operating methods of the professionals involved, directing them towards the choice of the Puglia Region as location for their films.
The Forum purpose is to encourage the participation of a maximum number of 20 film projects in development, providing the participants with the opportunity to “test” them as well as to enter into contact with potential investors, raising awareness of the services provided by the Apulia Film Commission Foundation in the audiovisual sector, as well as of the locations and the potential of the region.
The VII edition presents two new sections: Italian and Foreign.
The Italian section is aimed at audiovisual projects by national producers who are seeking out foreign co-producers.
The Foreign section is for audiovisual projects by producers from any country searching Italian co-producers or Italian executive producers.
It is possible to apply with a film project (fiction feature film or documentary) at a development stage, containing elements in the plot linked to the European or the Mediterranena area, to be shot either entirely or partially in Puglia, with at least 30% of the budget secured.
Deadline for Applications: 31st August 2016.