ANCC activity report 2015 – 2016

ANCC activity report 2015

Establishment of the Albanian Minority Co-productions Found
On 2015, from 78 film projects that applied for a grant.
The Board awarded a total of 37 film projects:

13 Features, 9 short, 7 Documentaries, 3 Animations, 4 Development, 4 Film Festivals
4 Features
3 Features Debut
3 Features Independent
3 Features Minority coproductions
4 Shorts 
5 Shorts Indipendent
4 Documentaries
3 Animations
4 Developments 
4 Film Festivals
• The average age of winning directors is 41 years old.
• 18 directors are first applicants 
• 30% of them are females.
ANCC activity report 2016
On 2016, from 81 film projects that applied for a grant. 
The Board awarded support to a total of 40 film projects:

14 Features, 5 short, 6 Documentaries, 10 Animations, 5 Film Festivals
4 Features
4 Features Debut
4 Features Indipentent
2 Features Minority Co-productions
3 Short 
2 Short Indipendent 
6 Documentaries
4 Animations
6 Animations Indipendent
5 Film Festivals
The average age of winning directors is 40 years old.

Other alternative funded projects:
• 3 projects financed by the Apulia Film Commission as part of the project “Memory” – 3 short films 90.000 Euro.
• 2 projects financed from ANCC, got also support by SEE (South Eastern Europe Cinema Network)
• 1 project was financed by the Macedonian Film Agency
• 1 project was financed by Eurimages
• 1 project was financed by Kickstarter
• 1 audience development project was financed by Creative Europe Sub – Media Programme

More information about ANCC

Established on 1997, the Albanian National Center of Cinematography (ANCC) is the only cinematographic public grant giving institution that finances, encourages and promotes Albania’s film production.
The ANCC’s goal is to foster and support Albanian cinema, encouraging new visions and emerging voices. 
The decisions regarding the financial support of the projects are taken by the ANCC artistic and financial assessment Board.
The Board is composed by members that represent the Albanian cinematographic associations.
In 19 years ANCC has financed approximately 290 films and other projects.
At international level Albania has signed:
– The European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Productions.
– A Government Cinematographic Cooperation Agreement with Italy.
– A Protocol Agreement with the Apulia Film Commission.
Albania is a member of:
– Eurimages.
– EFP “European Film Promotion”
– SEE “South Eastern Europe Cinema Network”
Albania participates on the Creative Europe Sub – Media Programme.
Other initiatives:
The 142nd Meeting of the Eurimages Board of Management will be hosted by the ANCC in Tirana 8th – 11th March.
At the end of 2016 ANCC will host the “Balkan Pre-selection Screening Event” for Berlinale 2017.
The ANCC launched the initiative “Balkan Film Forum”, first presented at the Rome Forum in November 2015.
The ANCC together with the Macedonia and Bulgarian Film Centers is a founding member of the Balkan Cinema Cities initiative.
Additional Information:
• Albania has 2 Film Schools
• Approximately 10 international film festivals are being organized yearly
• There are 60 film Production Companies registered by the ANCC that operate in Albania.
• The Albanian Film Commission operates since 2003.
• Seven Cinematographic Associations operate in Albania.
ANCC is the sole administrator of the entire cinematographic production of the former Albanian State Studio “KINOSTUDIO Shqipëria e Re” 1952-1991.

ANCC international presence:
• Stands at BERLINALE – Berlin Film Festival
• The feature “LA VERGINE GIURATA“ Italia / Albania / Kosovo is part of the Main Feature Competition during the BERLINALE 2016
• Stands at Cannes Film Festival
• The Creative Europe Media Desk Albania was established – Facilitate the Albanian creative industry participation on Creative Europe – 10 Info Days held at the Albanian Ministry of Culture, COD – “Center For Openness And Dialogue” (Albanian PM Office)
• A Protocol Agreement with the Apulia Film Commission was signed in 2014
• The 142nd Meeting of the Eurimages Board of Management will be hosted by the ANCC in Tirana 8th – 11th March.
• At the end of 2016, ANCC will host the “Balkan Pre-selection Screening Event” for Berlinale 2017.
• The ANCC launched the initiative “Balkan Film Forum”, first presented at the Rome Forum in November 2015.
• The ANCC together with the Macedonia and Bulgarian Film Centers is a founding member of the Balkan Cinema Cities initiative.
• Workshop: “EAWE IN DEMAND”
• “BOTA” is the official nomination of Albania for the Foreign Language Award at the OSCARS 2016. The movie was screened in LA for the Academy members (part of a European Film Promotion Programme)
2015 theatrical releases:
· Distant Angels
· Across the Sea
· Chromium
· No Country for Fairy Tales
· The Bread
· Keno
· Shirt Sleeve
· Life on a Carousel
· Ethnophobia
· The Little Branch
· Faraway
· The First Film Project
· Waiting
· Steel and Lord
Data sources: ANCC. February 2016