Thirrje për Aplikim — Apulia Film Forum

Apulia Film Forum ka hapur thirrjen për një Forum 2-ditor në Otranto, i cili do mbahet në datat 30-31 tetor 2023.

Ftohen të aplikojnë të gjithë producentët shqiptarë, projektet e të cilëve plotësojnë kriteret. Për më shumë link:

Afati për aplikim: 2 Tetor 2023

The Apulia Film Commission Foundation introduces the fourteenth Edition of the Apulia Film Forum – Euro Mediterranean Edition, taking place in Otranto on 30th-31th October, 2023.

It is possible to apply with a film project (full-length fiction feature or full-length documentary film) at a development stage, to be shot either entirely or partially in Puglia (please note that the story doesn’t need to be set in Puglia), with at least 20% of the budget secured.

Deadline for Applications: 2nd October 2023.

The Selection Committee will evaluate the submitted projects in accordance with the objectives of the Public Notice taking also into account the requested documents.

Selection results will be posted on the website